Sustainability Message
Black and White Group started its operations in 2004 and continues to be present in eight main sectors today. It offers interdisciplinary work and service with the business lines it has incorporated. Black and White Group and its project development and marketing, construction, engineering and architecture, building inspection, laboratory, furniture, media, consultancy companies are on their way to gaining a permanent place in many sectors.
As Black and White Group of Companies, we have a 20-year history and the success of our ability to adapt quickly to change and innovations stems from the fact that our activities are based on sustainable foundations. The efforts we make to ensure that the actions we take today leave a more sustainable and green world for the future play an important role in the development of our vision based on sustainability.
With our projects and investments, we strive to increase the social welfare and quality of life of the individuals who make up our community, as well as leave a more livable, equal and cleaner world for future generations.
As a group of companies, we consider the successes we have achieved in the construction, architecture, consultancy, furniture, building inspection, laboratory and marketing sectors as a balanced development of our economic, social and environmental capital and continue our work in this direction. By integrating sustainability into our corporate policies, we shape our future business strategies in line with sustainable development goals and principles.